Campaign Ends: 12/31/2022 - -797 Days Left!
Start A Campaign1 in 4 kids in Rwanda suffers from stunting due to lack of nutrition. When you walk through the village you can see in impact of food scarcity. Children look small for their age. At the local market you can find dozens of children with thin brittle light brown patches of hair on their heads rather than the shiny black curls of a well fed child. As a result of global supply chain issues and war in Ukraine, the availability of many food items has become an even greater problem in recent years. Food scarcity and malnutrition are big problems in Rwanda.
Shortly after Joy Christian School was launched we became aware of the impact of malnutrition in the classroom. Students had a difficult time focusing. Sometimes they would even fall asleep in class because they just didn't have the energy to be in school all day. We first addressed the problem by providing sosoma for our students each morning. Sosoma is a nutrition packed porridge and the students love it.
We soon learned that, while sosoma give our students a great start to the day, it's not enough nutrition to keep them going through the afternoon. And, students were rarely able to bring food from home for lunch. We then began serving a hot lunch of rice and beans and whatever we can harvest from our farm.
It's not uncommon for incoming preschoolers to display signs of malnutrition, but within a couple months of a steady healthy diet those children are looking strong and healthy.
Today Joy offers a year round nutrition program for our students. This year we will provide over 160,000 meals. As our school grows next year we'll increase that number to nearly 180,000. Can you help us provide this great nutrition to our students?
A $15 gift will feed a child for a month. A $180 gift will feed a child for a year. A $50,000 gift will cover the entire cost of nutrition for our school for the year.
Without this program most of our students would only get one meal per day at home. Their health will suffer and their academic performance will suffer.
Every gift makes a difference.
Give now!
Anonymous |
$100.00 |
Adam Peters
Rio Rancho, NM |
Anonymous |
Marilyn Strate
Peoria, AZ |
$1,840.00 |
Anonymous |
$100.00 |
Anonymous |
$100.00 |
Anonymous |
$100.00 |
Anonymous |
$100.00 |
Anonymous |
$100.00 |
Anonymous |
$100.00 |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Marilyn Strate
Peoria, AZ |
$3,000.00 |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Mrs. Barbara Jean Eaton
Elizabeth , CO |
$120.00 |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Thomas Orren
Mifflinburg, PA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Mary Lambert
Minot, MA |
$50.00 |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Anonymous |
Anonymous |
Anonymous |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Donald Major
San Francisco, CA |
Anonymous |
Josephine Cordenillo
South San Francisco, CA |
$200.00 |