Place Joy Christian School
Gender Male
Birthday 2014-05-09
Class P4
Sylvester Kwihangana is 6 years old. He is a bright student who loves learning. He is obedient, flexible, and independent. He is active, participative, and often finishes first. He also loves to explore many things. He reads the alphabets and writes numbers to 100 and also loves group work. He really performs well in most topics in all subjects. He enjoys mathematics, science, and social studies. At recess, he loves playing sports. When he grows up he wants to be a pilot. Sylvester lives in a village called Muturirwa. He has two sisters. His mother is a farmer and the father is a builder. On market days her mother takes some of the crops to the market to earn some money and spends most of her time farming in the garden. We pray that God blesses him with life and wisdom. May he study hard and have a good future so that he can become a blessing to his family and other people. We also pray that the Lord will provide each and every need for their family.